Electrolux is a global leader in home appliances and appliances for professional use.
Our company Electrolux Lehel Ltd. is one of the subsidiaries of the Swedish AB Electrolux. At Electrolux Lehel Ltd., the manufacturing operations are located in Jászberény and Nyíregyháza, while the sales and marketing organization and the Global Logistics Centre of Small Appliances can be found in Budapest. The company's main profile is the production of refrigerators, freezers, chest freezers and vacuum cleaners. The Jaszbereny and Nyiregyhaza refrigerator plants together form the company group's largest refrigera-tor base, whereas the vacuum cleaner factory is the only Electrolux manufacturing base in Europe.
In Hungary, both medium and high category models are produced; primarily, to the European markets but products are also shipped to the United Stat es of America, Brazil, Japan, and even to South-Korea. According to the TOP 200 survey comparing domestic companies, Electrolux Lehel Ltd. has become the 17th largest export company. In 2016, Electrolux reached the total turnover of 254,5 billion Hungarian Forints in Hungary.
Electrolux is counting on the professionals of the region. Currently, it employs more than 3,000 employees and offers job opportunities to some other 2,500 people through its suppliers.
As a responsible company, an integral part of the business strategy of Electrolux is sustainability. 100% of the electric energy used at its Hungarian sites comes from renewable energy resources, and they also use LED lighting and, in the course of production, recycled materials.